
1. Clone the repository Checkout the latest version of this repository:

git clone

Change directory:

cd nbis-meta

2. Install the required software All the software needed to run this workflow is included as a Conda environment file. To create the environment nbis-meta use the supplied envs/environment.yaml file.

First create the environment using the supplied file:

mkdir envs/nbis-meta
conda env create -f envs/environment.yaml -p envs/nbis-meta

Next, add this directory to the envs_dirs in your conda config (this is to simplify activation of the environment and so that the full path of the environment installation isn’t shown in your bash prompt):

conda config --add envs_dirs $(pwd)/envs/

Activate the environment using:

conda activate envs/nbis-meta

You are now ready to start using the workflow!

Quick start guide

Using the examples

The workflow comes with a set of example datasets found in the examples/data folder. By default the workflow uses the configuration specified in the config.yaml file to do preprocessing and assembly of the example data.

To see what the workflow is configured to do in the default setup run:

snakemake -np

This performs a ‘dry run’ (specified by the -n flag) where nothing is actually executed just printed to the terminal. Try it out by removing the -n.

To familiarize yourself with ways to run the workflow you can make use of the example directories found under examples/.

For instance, to run the centrifuge example (Read classification and taxonomic profiling using Centrifuge) do:

snakemake --configfile examples/centrifuge/config.yaml

See more about the examples here: binning, centrifuge

Using your own data

  1. Create your sample_list
  2. Configure the workflow to your needs. Make sure to updated the sample_list: path in the config.


We recommend that you copy the config.yaml file to some other file, e.g. ‘myconfig.yaml’, and make your changes in the copy.

You are now ready to start the workflow using:

snakemake --configfile myconfig.yaml

You can have multiple configuration files (e.g. if you want to run the workflow on different sets of samples or with different parameters).

General configuration settings

Here you’ll find information on how to configure the pipeline.

The file config.yaml contains all the parameters for the pipeline. The most general settings are explained here. For more specific settings regarding the different workflow steps you may refer to the corresponding documentation.


The only required config setting is sample_list:. Without this, the workflow cannot run but essentially your config file may contain only this parameter.

workdir: Working directory for the snakemake run. All paths are evaluated relative to this directory.

sample_list: should point to a file with information about samples. See the documentation on The sample list file for more details on the format of this file.

taxdb: Path to where taxonomic database files from NCBI are stored.

results_path: this directory will contain reports, figures, count tables and other types of aggregated and processed data. Output from the different steps will be created in sub-directories. For instance, assemblies will be in a sub-directory called ‘assembly’

intermediate_path: this directory contains files which might have required a substantial computational effort to generate and which might be useful for further analysis. They are not deleted by Snakemake once used by downstream rules. This could be for example bam files.

temp_path: this directory contains files which are either easily regenerated or redundant. This could be for example sam files which are later compressed to bam.

scratch_path: Similar to temp_path but primarily used on cluster resources (e.g. Uppmax) in order to speed up writes to disk by utilizing local storage for nodes.

resource_path: Path to store database files needed for the workflow.

report_path: Path to store report files such as assembly and mapping stats and plots

The sample list file

The sample_list: config parameter should point to a file containing information about the samples and respective files to be used as input for the pipeline.

The sample list file specifies where the input data for the workflow is located on your computer or the compute cluster you are running on.

Below is an example of what the sample file may look like. This example table is also found in samples/ This example uses data from the repository Metagenomic Mocks. Each sample contains 100 000 read-pairs.

sampleID runID assemblyGroup fileName pair
anterior_nares 1 anterior_nares,all examples/data/anterior_nares_100000_R1.fastq.gz examples/data/anterior_nares_100000_R2.fastq.gz
buccal_mucosa 1 buccal_mucosa,all examples/data/buccal_mucosa_100000_R1.fastq.gz examples/data/buccal_mucosa_100000_R2.fastq.gz
retr_crease 1 retr_crease,all examples/data/retr_crease_100000_R1.fastq.gz examples/data/retr_crease_100000_R2.fastq.gz
stool 1 stool,all examples/data/stool_100000_R1.fastq.gz examples/data/stool_100000_R2.fastq.gz

The sampleID and runID columns:

The sampleID column allows you to designate a sample ID for each set of sequences while the runID column can be used to designate e.g. technical replicates of samples. These two columns together form a unique tag for each sequence set. If there is only one sequencing run per sampleID you may leave the runID column empty or simply fill in a ‘1’.

The assemblyGroup column:

The assemblyGroup column allows you to group together samples (and/or individual sample runs) into assembly groups. A single sample/run combination can be grouped into multiple assembly groups by specifying comma separated assembly group names in this field. In the example above each sample has been assigned to an individual assembly as well as a co-assembly named ‘all’ which will contain all samples. Running the workflow with this file will produce five assemblies in total (named ‘anterior_nares’, ‘buccal_mucosa’, ‘retr_crease’, ‘stool’ and ‘all).

The fileName and pair columns:

These two columns specify file paths for sequences in the (gzipped) fastq format. For paired end data the fileName column points to forward read file and the pair column points to the corresponding reverse read file. For single end data only the fileName column is used.

How to run on UppMax/Hebbe (SNIC resources)

The recommended way to run this workflow on a SLURM cluster such as Uppmax is to install the SLURM profile for snakemake.

To do so you will need cookiecutter which you can install using the supplied environment file:

mkdir envs/cookiecutter
conda env create -f envs/cookiecutter.yaml -p envs/cookiecutter

Then activate the cookiecutter environment and deploy the profile:

conda activate envs/cookiecutter
mkdir profiles
cookiecutter -o profiles

You will be prompted to add some information such as account number, partition etc. You can leave some of these fields blank but should at least fill out the account number (e.g. snic2017-1-234 on SNIC resources). Below is a recommended example:

account []: snic2017-1-234 # Use your actual account number!
error []:
output []:
partition []: core
profile_name [slurm]: slurm
Select submit_script:
1 -
2 -
Choose from 1, 2 (1,2) [1]: 2

You can now run the workflow in the cluster environment using:

snakemake --profile profiles/slurm -j 100 -np

The -j 100 flag tells snakemake to have at most 100 jobs submitted to the SLURM queue at the same time.